Don't you just love shopping in Hennes?
50 quid gets you 5 items, that's quite a selection of different outfits.
The shops are full of psuedo 80s clothes which makes me feel right at home. 20 years since I first bought yellow footless tights in Miss Selfridges to go with my purple batwing t-shirt dress. I realise I've been waiting for this revival all my life.
You can take the 80s out of the girl but you can't take the girl out of the 80s
ps. the medics must have given me a rest. I don't seem to feel ill at all really, they over did my chemo last time and I was really cooked, couldn't do a thing. Just feel a bit sick and tired. Funny how the cure makes you feel worse than the cancer. Sorry I forgot, there is no cure for cancer.
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