Today I went to a 'support group'.
You'd imagine it to be a bit like AA or something. It wasn't at all. 10 women between 25-60 drinking wine, eating cocktail sausages and laughing loudly. What struck me the most was that there were more younger women than older. How can that be right?
One beautiful oriental girl who couldn't be more than 28 who'd just had her first chemo. She looked nervous, she had just had her waist length long black hair cut. Another cheery marketing girl, who came in for her first chemo with a hangover was detirmined that she was going to live as normal. "Oh I feel fine, I'll take fridays off after treatment". She made me feel like a fraud. Her mother died of breast cancer so maybe she wasn't as confident as she seemed.
One young girl had a bald head and looked so beautiful, she wore it like a trophy. If I can do it, what's your problem she seemed to be saying. I think she's an actress or something.
Most of the women had breast cancer. I almost feel worse for them than I do myself. As a women it must be so difficult to have, especially when the world seems obsessed by breasts. Can't help feeling jealous some times because breast cancer gets all the publicity, must remember to do something about that. It's more curable than mine though.
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