Well...I rushed back to see if I'd got any more comments on my blog and there were none!
I've been away you see. To Hospital (she said self importantly).
The cliff-hanger on the Thanksgiving meal was would I managed to eat anything else and keep it down.
The answer was no.
Doc said, well as long as you're not vomiting then it's ok. Helpfully forgetting the fact that I was in pain in the tummy and had been for weeks. My stomach had grown by 4 inches over the past couple of months and was pretty uncomfortable. I'd been comparing notes with my pregnant sister in law.
Anyway by Sunday I could not eat or keep anything down.
I went to hospital.
It was a bit like a health spa really, on a saline drip for a day. Then water only and vitamin drinks. I swear I've detoxed because I have spots on my chin which I never get.
By Tuesday it was obvious that I still couldn't fit any food or drink in my tummy. So eventually the doc decided to "put in a drain". Look away now if you are squeamish.
The scan had confirmed that there was a build up of fluid in my stomach cavity, it's 'text-book", the doctor said, in this type of disease. The body is irritated by the cancer and produces fluid that builds up over time. Eventually there's no room left for normal things like bodily organs and it hurts like hell.
So, just like being at the dentist, the worst bit was the local anaesthetic injection. Then some rummaging about while they put a tube in my side. Ewwww. Within minutes the pressure was going down and I felt better. 3 litres later I was a new woman.
What a relief
Now I'm home
Glad to be back
Had another day on fluids and one on very very small meals.
Very good way to lose weight - 5kg in a week.
Whoever said I was vain!
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