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Dec 05, 2003



Blimey! 3 litres - that's two bottles of mineral water!
Glad to hear you're feeling better now.


Me too. I've checked in to see if you were about a number of times, and was glad you answered the bell this time.


And those three litres would have been full of minerals and salts too. I salute you, may your inspection of u-bend be at an end and may the only minerals and salts of note be those that make up delicious 'low residue' meals - ah the delights of steamed, poaches and pureed...it'll get better REALLY


And those three litres would have been full of minerals and salts too. I salute you, may your inspection of u-bend be at an end and may the only minerals and salts of note be those that make up delicious 'low residue' meals - ah the delights of steamed, poached and pureed...it'll get better REALLY


Whoops - just making up for your feeling of lack of posts previously :0)


Hmmm I think it was full of nasty gremlin cells too so much better that my internal organs are not soaked in a vat of nastiness. The doc likens it to a bucket of grass seeds. Yuck so that means eventually the seeds will take root. Just was well I had the drain!


i was wondering where you have been... all along you had checked yourself into a health spa for a spot of irrigation, detox-ing and relaxation. i hear that robbie williams pays tens of thousands for this treatment.

glad you are feeling better. I am left with one thing that i cant help thinking...

...what did they do with the bucket of grass seeds afterwards?

chuck them on the lawn outside?? you could create an emma-tree on the hospital grounds!


just had a thought... excuse me for being a little crackers...

what would an emma-tree be like?

would it have pink flowers? edible nuts? red berries? the odd thorn? maybe even some posionous berries to ward off the wrong people??

would it be big, small, wide, thin, bush-like?? would the leaves fall off in autumn?

what sort of animals would it have living in it?? squirrels, lizards, snakes, birds, maybe even a tree-house with children in it???

tell us what an emma-tree would be. your public awaits...


just had a thought... excuse me for being a little crackers...

what would an emma-tree be like?

would it have pink flowers? edible nuts? red berries? the odd thorn? maybe even some posionous berries to ward off the wrong people??

would it be big, small, wide, thin, bush-like?? would the leaves fall off in autumn?

what sort of animals would it have living in it?? squirrels, lizards, snakes, birds, maybe even a tree-house with children in it???

tell us what an emma-tree would be. your public awaits...


A tree a tree, if I were a tree what kind of tree would I be?

Emma tree? I think it would be have all of those things, pink flowers, thorns and maybe some juicy fruit.

Animals dunno, something furry like a squirrel!

People don't seem to like these medical style posts, I think it's a bit graphic. But I want people to know what it's like without being too gory. Also if other people who have cancer read it then it might help them.

Hmmm what to do...


yeah yeah yeah, i like the medical style posts. its good to know what you are going through. and it is good to be able to write some random bollox that might just help somehow (or just write crap like me).

either way,

i still wanna know about an emma tree.


I like the crap you write adie.
I mould all my crapite posts on you !

Emma Tree I told you it's got nice flowers, pink of course and some thorns. It's quite leafy with occassional fruit.

It's short tho!

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